Booth n° : F03
2 à 10 rue Brahms
75012 Paris
Tel : 01 40 58 37 15
Arcom is the regulatory authority for audiovisual and digital media, born from the merger of the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA) and the Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur Internet (Hadopi). Arcom is the guarantor of the freedom of communication, and ensures that the audiovisual and digital media are pluralist and respectful of all.
Audiovisual authority
Public organisation
Jerome Keff
Booth n° : Sponsor
51 rue Vivienne
75002 Paris
Tel : +33 1 40 72 78 90
We are the great music that you hear everywhere, but that you’ve never heard of. For us, it's all about finding that perfect track. And that's what you'll get. Every time. As hidden hit makers, we chart our success outside of the charts - working tirelessly to ensure our clients remain in the limelight. We listen, respond and surprise – never missing a beat.
Radio/Music promotion
Sound Library/Music illustration
Booth n° : L76
202, Quai de Clichy
92110 CLICHY
Tel : 01-47-30-81-04
Broadcast-Associates provides "Consulting, Services and Integrations" in the Broadcast field. Real digital architect, we adapt to the needs of the client, advising him, offering him the project or the product that best meets his demand, without imposing a typical process or a particular brand. Each year, we offer, in all objectivity, a selection of Broadcast material: "The best products at the best rates". In the midst of media convergence, Broadcast-Associates assists Content Publishers in their technological choices, preparing their future with them.
Sound engineer
Service Provider
Importing company
Equipment Distributor
Online Service
Cross Media
Broadcast operator
Audio consulting
Mobile Telephony
Technical Support
Jean-Éric Valli
Booth n° : Bar Les INDES RADIOS
14, rue de Lübeck
75016 Paris
Tel : 01 58 14 22 48
Les Indés Radios is a unique grouping of 129 independent radio stations in France, united around their diversity and local roots. The group defends a radio model based on editorial independence and geographical or thematic proximity, while promoting a dynamic that strengthens the competitiveness of its members.
Les Indés Radios plays a strategic role in the marketing of national advertising, enabling these regional or thematic stations to benefit from large-scale campaigns while preserving their identity. The group is also investing heavily in digital development, offering innovative platforms and solutions tailored to new listening habits.
Co-founded by Bertrand de Villiers, Daniel Perez, Patrice Sidrac, Eric Hauville, George Polinski and Jean-Éric Valli, the latter is also Chairman.
Thanks to their vision, Les Indés Radios is a key player in promoting and safeguarding the independence of local radio stations in France.
The 129 programmes offered by the independent radio stations that make up the Les Indés Radios Group represent a powerful and essential offering thanks to their exceptional coverage of the French population.
Each month: 29,488,000 French people aged 13 and over are exposed to the Indés Radios offering, i.e. more than one French person in two listens to them (1)
Each week: 18,925,000 listeners, i.e. more than one French person in three (1)
Every day: 7,015,000 listeners, i.e. more than one in ten French people tune in every day (2).
Legal information: Médiamétrie - Sept/Oct 2024 - 5h/24h, 13 years + (1) EAR Insights, coverage all locations 28 days (52.6%) and average week Mo-Fr (33.7%) (2) EAR national, cumulative audience Mo-Fr (12.5%).
Professional organisation
Radio production
Michel Colin
Booth n° : F09
42 avenue Ravanel le Rouge
74400 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
Tel : +33676150405
Since 2003, Mediatic Conseils has been the only training organization for radio commercials wishing to develop all forms of advertising revenues, traditional & digital. All our sales training courses are available by distance learning or in person. "The Briefing" is a weekly continuous remote support followed by more than 200 radio sales representatives from several countries. Mediatic Conseils is an AFDAS-eligible training organization, accredited by Data Dock. With already 40 years of radio experience in 25 countries and T. O. M. , thousands of sales people have been trained in a commercial approach based on expertise, efficiency and commercial creativity. Michel Colin is the editor of the blog of the radio advertising pros: www. radiopub. fr. . , co-organizer of the Grands Prix de la Pub Radio and author of the book "500 Questions pour vendre mieux et plus de pub radio" (Editions HF).
Cross Media
Audio consulting
Radio training
Lionel Guiffant
Booth n° : L18
18 rue du château
Neuilly sur Seine
Tel : +33 (0)1 87 107 107
RCS is the world's largest broadcast software company, with products found in thousands of radio and television stations, music channels, cable operators, advertising agencies, satellite networks and streaming stations worldwide. With guaranteed reliability and 24/7 support, the most respected names in the industry choose RCS as their software provider.
RCS invented computer music programming, opening its doors in 1979 with the very first version of the legendary Selector. This revolutionary product was designed for music radio stations that wanted more control over their song rotations, while maintaining consistency and improving variety. Within its first year, Selector had its first station: an NBC-owned FM station in San Francisco.
Over the past decade, RCS has reinvented the way broadcasters approach their business with the introduction of new software services. A hallmark of RCS from the beginning has been the strategy of basing product enhancements on feedback from its loyal customers and experienced users. This tradition continues with our new generation of award-winning broadcast software.
The most respected names in the broadcast industry choose RCS as their software partner, including world-renowned names such as Z100, KISS-FM and many of the world's largest and most successful radio groups.
There is now a new generation of browser-based extensions to the RCS software, designed for mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets. In addition to GSelector, Zetta and Aquira, our customers have access to the incredible ‘anywhere’ flexibility of Selector2GO, Zetta2GO and Aquira2GO. With its mobile initiatives, RCS puts the power of its industry-leading software in the hands of every user, wherever they are. And for customers who want cloud-based solutions, RCS is already there.
RCS provides the most advanced, reliable, intuitive and flexible broadcast tools on the planet. Because our customers are based all over the world, our tools are also multilingual. And, of course, our customers are backed by RCS' legendary 24/7 global support.
Importing company
Automation / Software publisher
Peter Blampied
Booth n° : F12
Roberts House, Hanworth Lane
KT16 9JX Chertsey, Surrey
Grande Bretagne
Tel : +44 (0)1932 509623
Roberts Radio is the best-selling radio brand in the British market. Since 1932, Roberts has been manufacturing award-winning fashionable products with excellent sound and high quality construction. The Queen and Prince of Wales Radio allows you to reach these exclusive customers by choosing a Roberts Radio. The range of models may look vintage on the outside, but on the inside, they are the latest technologies, all equipped with FM and DAB+ radio (digital radio) and many with features such as Bluetooth, USB playback, Internet radio with WiFi, Deezer streaming and Spotify. Worshipped by listeners, Roberts makes radios that are smarter than most. https://www.robertsradio.com/fr
Digital radio receiver manufacturer
Kevin Moignoux
Booth n° : L21
14 rue de Lubeck
75116 Paris
Tel : 01-45-43-80-05
SIRTI, Syndicat des Radios Indépendantes, founded in 1981, today brings together more than 170 independent, local, regional, generalist and thematic radio stations throughout France. The independent radio stations reach more than 8 million listeners every day, and broadcast their programmes on more than 1,000 FM and DAB+ frequencies in the 96 departments of the 13 regions of mainland France and 3 overseas departments. Through the diversity of their formats, their local, departmental, regional or thematic approach, independent radio stations, which are financed exclusively by advertising, are key players in the economic and cultural development of their regions and in the expression of their citizens. Independent radio stations employ 2,500 people, including 500 journalists.
Professional organisation
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